GNF » Go No Further

Save time localizing your equipment with Noah. (GoNoFurther) is a web software development company, founded on the idea that people shall be involved in the applications they would use. Since 1996 the company has worked hard to create applications that are meaningfull to the customer and easy to use by the users. has focus on development of web applikations and systems developed in cooperation with our customers and by utilizing the knowledge and experience with Asset Management and other areas of expertice. Development is mainly done in PHP, MySQL and javascript.

Today – supplies products that are developed based on users needs and requests.

Snail Mail:
J.M. Thielesvej 6 1tv.
DK-1961 Frederiksberg
CVR: 16143103

Contact Information

We would like to know who might have an interest in Noah. So we hope you will provide a bit of info.


If you have any questions regarding Noah, need support or anything else reach us using the form below.

Easy to use, easy to understand

If you can not find the answer here, feel free to contact our support!

Noah Manual

Noah – Installation

HowTo install Noah on U*ix


U*ix (debian/CentOs/RedHat aso) installed with internet access.

Webserver (Apache2/Lighttpd)

php version 5 release 3 (

mysql server version 5 (

Optional: MariaDB server (recommended for speed and functionality additions) (

unzip (#apt-get install unzip)

The following extensions to PHP is to be included in the installation:

Default Values

Install by following:

copy/rename the dist-config.php file to config.php

Edit the config.php and alter the $server_path, $Site_URL and the db_host, db_name, db_user and db_password

Use the install.sql from the /install path to create the new Noah Database

mysql -u<noah_db_user> -p noah < noah_install.sql

go to upgrade path and run the command:

cd upgrade/

php upgrade.php

for the latest database version


Note: some versions of .ini needs some alterations to avoid errors.

CentOS / Debian:

; error_reporting

; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

; Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT

; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED


short_open_tag = On


In some cases mysql is set to STRICT on basic installation.

Optional remedy:

Try Noah or register for Cloud